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Pol 115 Week 1_Worksheet

Pol 115 Week 1_Worksheet

Q In 100-250 words, provide a brief summary of each document, and discuss each document’s significance or influence on the values of the American political culture or the ideas for the structure and organization of the U.S. Federal Government.

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The Magna Carta was signed by King John in an attempt to ensure that the monarchs of England would in no way manipulate their subjects and had provisions for life, liberty, and property of the people of England and North America, it ended up becoming a document that guaranteed the liberty for people as a right. It influenced the U.S. constitution and also that of its states, defining the protections and immunities the people of the united states would enjoy (Krutz & Waskiewicz, 2017). It was one of the documents that set the tone for defining the rights of the people that would be protected and not interfered with.